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1960 Tropical Depression NOT_NAMED (1960267N18116)

IBTrACS version v04r00. Visit IBTrACS website for data access.
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Storm track - Intensity - Wind Radii - Intensity Data - Source Data - All data

Summary Information

Storm ID 1960267N18116
Start Sep 22 12Z
Landfall Sep 26 06Z, Sep 27 03Z
Max Intensity 23 kt (Sep 25 06Z), 998 mb (Sep 26 00Z)
End Sep 27 12Z
Track status Best track data.

Storm track plot

Map of storm track

Intensity plots

Map of storm track

Radial wind information

No radial wind information for this storm

Position and Intensity Table

degrees north degrees east kts mb
WP 1960-09-22 12:00:00 TS 18.30 116.10 1005
WP 15:00:00 TS 18.16 115.65 1005
WP 18:00:00 TS 18.00 115.20 1005
WP 21:00:00 TS 17.82 114.76 1005
WP 1960-09-23 00:00:00 TS 17.60 114.40 1005
WP 03:00:00 TS 17.32 114.12 1005
WP 06:00:00 TS 17.00 114.00 1005
WP 09:00:00 TS 16.58 114.07 1005
WP 12:00:00 TS 16.30 114.30 1005
WP 15:00:00 TS 16.35 114.64 1005
WP 18:00:00 TS 16.60 115.00 1005
WP 21:00:00 TS 16.88 115.24 1005
WP 1960-09-24 00:00:00 TS 17.20 115.40 1005
WP 03:00:00 TS 17.51 115.54 1005
WP 06:00:00 TS 17.80 115.60 1005
WP 09:00:00 TS 18.07 115.55 1005
WP 12:00:00 TS 18.30 115.40 1005
WP 15:00:00 TS 18.48 115.22 1005
WP 18:00:00 TS 18.60 115.00 1005
WP 21:00:00 TS 18.67 114.76 1005
WP 1960-09-25 00:00:00 TS 18.70 114.50 1005
WP 03:00:00 TS 18.71 114.27 1004
WP 06:00:00 TS 18.70 114.00 23 1003
WP 09:00:00 TS 18.69 113.62 23 1001
WP 12:00:00 TS 18.70 113.20 23 1000
WP 15:00:00 TS 18.75 112.81 23 1000
WP 18:00:00 TS 18.80 112.40 23 1000
WP 21:00:00 TS 18.78 111.99 23 999
WP 1960-09-26 00:00:00 TS 18.80 111.50 23 998
WP 03:00:00 TS 18.96 110.87 23 999
WP 06:00:00 TS 19.20 110.20 23 1000
WP 09:00:00 TS 19.48 109.60 21 1000
WP 12:00:00 TS 19.80 109.10 19 1000
WP 15:00:00 TS 20.10 108.75 19 1001
WP 18:00:00 TS 20.40 108.50 19 1002
WP 21:00:00 TS 20.71 108.30 21 1002
WP 1960-09-27 00:00:00 TS 21.00 108.00 23 1002
WP 03:00:00 TS 21.32 107.43 21 1002
WP 06:00:00 TS 21.50 106.70 19 1003
WP 09:00:00 TS 21.39 105.91 1003
WP 12:00:00 TS 21.10 105.10 1003

Source Information

Agency Information
CMA CH1960BST.txt:Storm=31:(nameless)

All available IBTrACS Data

Year degrees north degrees east km km 1 degrees north degrees east 1 kts mb kts degrees
1960 WP MM 1960-09-22 12:00:00 TS 18.30 116.10 451 451 __O___________ -5 18.30 116.10 0 1005 9 251
1960 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 18.16 115.65 478 476 __P___________ -5 18.16 115.65 0 1005 9 251
1960 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 18.00 115.20 476 443 __O___________ -5 18.00 115.20 0 1005 9 248
1960 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 17.82 114.76 448 422 __P___________ -5 17.82 114.76 0 1005 9 242
1960 WP MM 1960-09-23 00:00:00 TS 17.60 114.40 422 409 __O___________ -5 17.60 114.40 0 1005 8 231
1960 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 17.32 114.12 415 411 __P___________ -5 17.32 114.12 0 1005 7 212
1960 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 17.00 114.00 421 421 __O___________ -5 17.00 114.00 0 1005 7 183
1960 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 16.58 114.07 453 453 __P___________ -5 16.58 114.07 0 1005 8 158
1960 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 16.30 114.30 490 490 __O___________ -5 16.30 114.30 0 1005 6 113
1960 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 16.35 114.64 510 506 __P___________ -5 16.35 114.64 0 1005 7 66
1960 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 16.60 115.00 506 488 __O___________ -5 16.60 115.00 0 1005 8 47
1960 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 16.88 115.24 490 474 __P___________ -5 16.88 115.24 0 1005 7 33
1960 WP MM 1960-09-24 00:00:00 TS 17.20 115.40 477 470 __O___________ -5 17.20 115.40 0 1005 7 25
1960 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 17.51 115.54 476 466 __P___________ -5 17.51 115.54 0 1005 6 18
1960 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 17.80 115.60 477 477 __O___________ -5 17.80 115.60 0 1005 6 1
1960 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 18.07 115.55 486 461 __P___________ -5 18.07 115.55 0 1005 5 339
1960 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 18.30 115.40 461 435 __O___________ -5 18.30 115.40 0 1005 5 323
1960 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 18.48 115.22 435 420 __P___________ -5 18.48 115.22 0 1005 5 308
1960 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 18.60 115.00 420 404 __O___________ -5 18.60 115.00 0 1005 5 294
1960 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 18.67 114.76 404 381 __P___________ -5 18.67 114.76 0 1005 5 282
1960 WP MM 1960-09-25 00:00:00 TS 18.70 114.50 381 360 __O___________ -5 18.70 114.50 0 1005 5 274
1960 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 18.71 114.27 360 330 __P___________ -5 18.71 114.27 0 1004 5 270
1960 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 18.70 114.00 330 291 __O___________ -5 18.70 114.00 1 23 1003 6 269
1960 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 18.69 113.62 291 252 __P___________ -5 18.69 113.62 1 23 1001 8 270
1960 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 18.70 113.20 252 214 __O___________ -5 18.70 113.20 1 23 1000 8 274
1960 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 18.75 112.81 214 172 __P___________ -5 18.75 112.81 1 23 1000 8 278
1960 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 18.80 112.40 172 137 __O___________ -5 18.80 112.40 1 23 1000 8 272
1960 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 18.78 111.99 137 97 __P___________ -5 18.78 111.99 1 23 999 9 270
1960 WP MM 1960-09-26 00:00:00 TS 18.80 111.50 97 33 __O___________ -5 18.80 111.50 1 23 998 11 280
1960 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 18.96 110.87 31 0 __P___________ -5 18.96 110.87 1 23 999 13 288
1960 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 19.20 110.20 0 0 __O___________ -5 19.20 110.20 1 23 1000 13 294
1960 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 19.48 109.60 0 0 __P___________ -5 19.48 109.60 1 21 1000 12 300
1960 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 19.80 109.10 15 15 __O___________ -5 19.80 109.10 0 19 1000 10 308
1960 WP MM 15:00:00 TS 20.10 108.75 61 61 __P___________ -5 20.10 108.75 0 19 1001 8 317
1960 WP MM 18:00:00 TS 20.40 108.50 107 88 __O___________ -5 20.40 108.50 0 19 1002 7 325
1960 WP MM 21:00:00 TS 20.71 108.30 88 45 __P___________ -5 20.71 108.30 0 21 1002 8 322
1960 WP MM 1960-09-27 00:00:00 TS 21.00 108.00 45 0 __O___________ -5 21.00 108.00 1 23 1002 10 307
1960 WP MM 03:00:00 TS 21.32 107.43 0 0 __P___________ -5 21.32 107.43 1 21 1002 13 292
1960 WP MM 06:00:00 TS 21.50 106.70 0 0 __O___________ -5 21.50 106.70 0 19 1003 14 273
1960 WP MM 09:00:00 TS 21.39 105.91 0 0 __P___________ -5 21.39 105.91 0 1003 15 255
1960 WP MM 12:00:00 TS 21.10 105.10 0 __O___________ -5 21.10 105.10 0 1003 16 249